Saturday, July 28, 2007

Lesson 5: Video Resources Sites

I was truly amazed after listening to Wesley Fryer's podcast. I couldn't wait to view Next Vista, and thought the idea of using short 5 minute educational clips for students who were still unsure of a concept was fabulous. I listened to a few, the one on teaching theme was interesting. The only disappointing aspect (of course coming from a reading teacher's perspective) was that most of the videos dealt with math concepts. There were very few reading and writing lessons. This is probably because many of them would be difficult to teach within the five minute confinements.
I think it might be a fun concept to attempt in our district, maybe at first just at one grade level. I think parents would really like it too because I know I hear from many of them how sometimes they have a difficult time helping their children with their homework because they haven't practiced it in awhile. I know a few years ago I created a similar video with Monica Cosgrove on helping parents and students on how to select a "just right" book. We could have our own little "Village Tube."
I didn't really like the You Tube or Clip Blast site, although I know that kids really like both. Also I wondered how well these two sites were monitored. They definitely seemed more commercial than educational.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think it would be great if you created some short videos maybe demonstrating a reading strategy or something like that. I'm sure NextVista would love to have more ELA content submitted. Let me know if you'd like help in trying this.